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(Diplomat Cream)

Diplomat Cream is a lighter version of the French Pastry Cream (Crème Pâtissière or custard, below). It is basically Crème Pâtissière with added whipped cream, and stabilized with gelatin or cornstarch. It is used when you want the flavor of pastry cream but in a lighter, fluffier package. It makes an outstanding filling for all recipes that are not baked afterwards, such as filling for choux pastries, fruit tarts, or mille-feuilles.

I used this cream on my strawberry tart!

310 grams of whole milk (1/1/3 cup)

1 egg yolk

1 whole egg

1 vanilla pod

60 grams of sugar (¼ cup & 1 Tsp.)

40 grams of cornstarch (4 Tbsp.)

100 grams of cream (cold) (½ cup)

Warm the milk in a casserole with the vanilla for 10 minutes. The milk should be brought to near boiling temperature.

Mix the egg yolk and the full egg with the sugar, then add the cornstarch. Add the warm milk to the mix, then return it all to the stove top to warm until it thickens. Whisk continuously until you get a spreadable consistency (be careful as it will get thick all of a sudden!) Spread in a 9” x 12” baking dish so that it cools evenly.

Place a piece of plastic wrap directly over this cream mix (so that the plastic is touching the top of the creme) and place it in the freezer for 20 minutes, or in the fridge for one hour.

While the cream mixture is in the fridge, whip the (cold) cream until it looks like whipped cream. Fold it into the cream mix that has been in the refrigerator. Once it is all cool, you can use it to decorate or as a topping!

La version française


310 gr de lait entier

1 gousse de vanille

1 jaune d’oeuf

1 oeuf entier

60 gr de sucre

40 gr de maïzena

100 gr de crème liquide

Faites chauffer le lait dans une casserole avec la gousse de vanille. Faites infuser 10 minutes, puis mélangez le jaune et l'œuf avec le sucre, puis la maïzena.

Ajoutez le lait chaud sur le mélange précédent et remettez sur le feu jusqu’à épaississement. Filmez la crème pâtissière au contact et mettre 20 minutes au congélateur ou 1 h au réfrigérateur.

Montez la crème liquide bien froide au batteur jusqu’à ce qu’elle devienne de la chantilly, puis mélangez à la crème pâtissière refroidie. 

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